sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2011

Rifampicin, Olea europaea and the establishment in vitro of Olea europaea explants

First of all i must appologise for the eventual dificulties in following the way i have been describing the evolution of my work in the past year. As you know this is a blog of cientific caracter but the way the information is displayed follows a strict cronology, based on the posting order. I cannot change that so i sugest that you read prevoius posts if you fell a bit lost.
My goal concerning Rifampicin, was to contextualize my beliefs about this antibiotic, with a series of curious observations in a way that i could make clear that it's use seems to be only interesting, if combined with other antibiotics or in the case where we want to quickly recover chlorotic material.
Some facts:
I have dealted with field collected explants of Cordovil, Gelega and Madural for 2 years and with established but   endogenously contaminated by bacterium, explants of Galega.

Rifampicine used alone was never clearly effective eliminating bacteria from Olea europaea explants.

Absence of Rifampicin in the culture medium of Olea europaea cv galega explants, regularly exposed to it, caused a marked yellowing of the leafs, from wich explants would recover after 4 to 6 weeks even without the antibiotic.

The recover of explants treated with antibiotics such as PPM or the antifungal preparation described on my last post is much quicker and healthyer with the presence of Rifampicin.

The use of PPM and FLU&CYP  preparations (i will use this expression "flu&cyp" for cetone based solution of cyprodinil and fludioxonil) causes yellowing and sometimes leaf fall.

The joint use of Rifampicin with any of these antibiotics reduces or eliminates theyr toxicity.

From the sentences above wich are well based on repeated observations i am forced to believe that Rifampicine has promissing potencial in the establishment of Olea europaea explants. How? Allowing a reduced impact of some very effective antibiotics on the explants health during establishment fase.

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