domingo, 30 de outubro de 2011

Ilex aquifolium In vitro

Fase 1 – Initiation. Ilex aquifolium cultures have been  established in vitro at the  Peak Plants laboratory following the method described by Majada et al. Briefely the method consists in isolating and germinating zigotic embrios, from previously desinfected  Ilex seeds and germinating them in vitro.
There is high seasonal variation in embrio response and  it took more than a year of trials to obtain the first plantlets after undreds of inoculations.
By this methods Peak Plants has, currently multiplying cultures of an endemic Ilex and a variegated form  in a total of about 25 genotipes. The foto displayed here refers to the conversion of the first embryos into plantlets. Our Ilex cultures are currently growing at an outstanding rate  using polypropilene boxes from Globalplas  company.

Fase 2 – Propagation. Ilex cultures display good growth in vitro but genotype diferences can be observed concerning medium adaptation. Tipically genotypes displaying secondary embryogenisis from zigotic embryos have a better after development and growth. It is necessary to make individual salt test trials with this species. Also temporary liquid culture imersion medium is in the agenda for testing, Ilex aquifolium produced in vitro by this method, has high potencial for ornamental purposes due to higher branching of young  plantlets.

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