sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011


Upon arrival at Bio-melhora, a brief period of a few days, was devoted to undersand the laboratory design. It is a fully funccional laboratory with a few basic missing objects, like a washing machine for example but not much else was seriously bad. I tried to adapt some of my routines to the existing material and make a small inventory of whatever was available, together with some tagging and mapping of materials for faster production process.
I firts realized that there was a small batch culture medium production logic, implemented on a weekly basis. For the existing amount of plants this looked like a problem to me. 
First things first i tried to make the medium production quicker, as i had one or two operators available for explant handling and transfer and this would allow me to start devoting more time to the core problem of the lab, A persisting incapacity to increase the volume of explants available for the rooting and aclimatisation steps.

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